Viral Talent Awareness - Avoid The CheddarBob

23 October 2010

Shout out to the suggestions cru!

Fresh pickings from the AuralNode suggestions page

Shout out to Red for these:

Big tune, if you call yourself a junglist and don't know this, hang your head in shame!

Digital vibes from Liam with this Jahtari release

Big up all contributors, keep on posting!

AS1 - Silent Target

Dark! Love this stuff, proper electro, none of this electro-house nonsense that everyone calls electro nowadays (not cussing it off entirely, but it's not my thing... at all). This track's from the album Midnight Riders which has some deep, dark tunes on it. I'd love to have posted some more tracks here but there's only a few tunes from the album on Youtube, unfortunately. Check it!

AS-1 - Nightriders on Discogs

20 October 2010

Upwellings - Seek

Already posted about this guy before but I just wanted to tell everyone to sit back, roll up a spliff, put some headphones on and watch the above video in HD.

Upwelling is a dubtechno project by Vincent Raude with releases out on the French label ZeECc, which has some pretty nice material on offer.

5 October 2010

Richard H. Kirk - Reality Net

Nice track from Warp's Artificial Intelligence vol. II compilation which has been pretty influential to my taste in music. The video's cool too, it features a weird chrome manikin smoking a spliff and walking around in a desert and what looks like two temples fucking. Good stuff.